Milia Removal in Sewickley, PA

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What Is Milia Removal?

Are you bothered by the appearance of tiny white or yellow bumps just under the surface of your skin around the eyes and face? These bumps are called "milia" or "milk spots," and they form from dead skin cells that failed to shed. Milia commonly occur as a result of skin damage, dryness, or overuse of certain skin products. While milia are harmless to your health, they can cause embarrassment due to their acne-like appearance and rough texture. The providers at Envision Estetique understand the importance of feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin, which is why our office offers nonsurgical treatments to remove milia and create a clearer complexion. Schedule your skin care consultation with Dr. Lindsey Lear to learn more about milia removal and other noninvasive facial treatments offered at our Sewickley, PA med spa.

How Do Milia Removal Treatments Work?

While milia spots often clear up on their own over time, nonsurgical milia removal at Envision Estetique can help them resolve much more quickly if they are causing you to feel self-conscious about your appearance. There are several possible approaches Dr. Lear may use to treat and remove milia cysts:

  • Manual Extraction: Using a lancet, we make a tiny cut in the skin over the milia before using an extraction tool to remove the keratin underneath. This popular technique generates little to no pain and is appropriate for complexions that might be affected by other milia treatments.

For advanced cases, multiple treatments may be scheduled to fully address the issue. Keep in mind that new milia can still form after your removal treatment. Following your procedure, Dr. Lear will talk with you about how you can take care of your skin to help prevent future milia breakouts.

Schedule A Milia Removal Treatment

Milia are a common cosmetic concern, but with professional skin treatments at Envision Estetique, you can enjoy the renewed confidence that comes with a clearer complexion. While milia can resemble acne blemishes, it is important not to try popping them or treating them at home, as you may cause significant skin damage or health complications. To learn more about your options for milia removal in Sewickley, PA, reach out to our office to schedule your skin care consultation with Dr. Lear.

I went to 2 dermatologists for my milia and they were treated with chemical peels and exfoliators- neither worked. Dr. Lear extracted this milia on my eyelid in less than 5 minutes. I wish I saw her first it would have saved me a lot of money!

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What are the risks of trying to extract milia on my own?

Attempting to remove milia on your own can lead to infection, scarring, and skin damage, making it essential to consult a skincare professional before attempting milia removal or any type of skin extraction.

Will milia come back after milia removal?

Milia can potentially recur after removal, especially if the underlying cause, such as skincare products or sun damage, is not addressed. Proper skincare and regular exfoliation can help prevent their return.

What are the best ways to prevent new milia after milia extraction?

To prevent new milia from forming after extraction, it's essential to use non-comedogenic skincare products, avoid heavy or greasy creams, exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells, and protect your skin from sun damage with sunscreen. Consulting with one of our aesthetic specialists on personalized skincare and skin treatment recommendations can also be beneficial.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.